The SPITIA : State Private ITI Association,Odisha has to adhere to the rules prescribed by the Government. A Association like this is deemed to be legally, quality wise and functionally correct on there Technical Education. However it has been difficult for the Technical Education Providers in the state to access accurate information and to remain updated all the time. To bridge this barrier, all the Major and Popular ITI Colleges and Technical Education Providers in Odisha came together for the first time and formed a registered apex body called SPITIA : State Private ITI Association,Odisha.
To Provide quality of Education and to take steps for development and quality enactment of appropriate legislature for the interest of the members within the jurisdiction of the Societies Registration Act, 1860. acquire and take over any immovable or movable properties of nature, if offered or found sick to expand the very objectives of the association. maintain, deal with and manage the said movable and immovable properties for the interest of the association.To enter into any arrangement, contract a partner ship with any Government authority or person whosoever and to obtain from any Government authority or person such rights, concession and privileges, as the association may think desirable and to obtain carryout, exercise and comply with any such arrangement, contract privilege, right or concession to achieve the aims of the association (under the roof of proper Law & Order situation) To do and cause to be done all such lawful things as are in accord with the spirit and principles of the objects of the Association or which are conductive to the attainment and pursuit of the aims and objects of the association.
To provide a common platform or place for meeting of the members of the Association for the purpose of discussion of common problems, advancement of Technical Education.